Vol. 9 Núm. 2 (2003): Locus - Revista de História

State, agricultural policies and class representation in the Vargas'era: the Ministry of Agriculture

Palabras clave

  • Agricultural Policy,
  • State,
  • Vargas Period

Cómo citar

Alveal, Carmen Margarida Oliveira. 2003. «State, Agricultural Policies and Class Representation in the Vargas’era: The Ministry of Agriculture». Locus: Revista De Historia 9 (2). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20585.


The paper discusses the role of the Agriculture Ministry in the post-1930 to turn agriculture into a tool for the Brazilian industrialization process in the beginning of the Vargas Period. The new Agriculture Ministry as the national agent of the agricultural policy, centralizing the decision process and establishing a new specialized management of the exportable production, contemplating the various productive agriculture sectors, even when connected to conflict groups of interest, was a milestone in the Brazilian project of modernization.


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