Esta es un versión antigua publicada el . Consulte la versión más reciente.
Palabras clave
- Free-Masonry,
- Republic,
- Liberalism
Cómo citar
Barata, Alexandre Mansur. 1995. «Freemasons and the Republican Movement (1870-1910)». Locus: Revista De Historia 1 (1).
The purpuse of this article is to apprehend and to rescue the activity of Brazilian Free-Masonry between 1870 and 1970, when happened intense debates searching to build a new national identity. It was looking for
civilization and progress, expressed in defense of conscience freedom, abolition of slave work and the republic. The Brazilian Free-Masonry, with its peculiar organization, knew, at that time, an important growing of its activities around all the country. The sociability proporcionated by Free-Masonry lodges, purring together expressive sectors of the society, ended up to transform them in important spread centers discussing on the republican project.
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