Vol. 18 Núm. 1 (2012): Dossiê - Extremismos Políticos de Direita

Plínio Salgado and the Reinterpretation of the Integralist Doctrine in the Context of the Nazi-fascist Defeat

Gilberto Calil
Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Publicado 2012-12-06 — Actualizado el 2021-04-27


Palabras clave

  • Integralism,
  • Plínio Salgado,
  • Christian Concept of Democracy

Cómo citar

Calil, Gilberto. (2012) 2021. «Plínio Salgado and the Reinterpretation of the Integralist Doctrine in the Context of the Nazi-Fascist Defeat». Locus: Revista De Historia 18 (1). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20366.


This article evaluates the efforts undertaken by Plínio Salgado to adapt the integralista movement to the new political context established by the international defeat of Nazi-fascism. Emphasis is on the reinterpretation of the political trajectory of the Brazilian Integralist Action, and the reformulation of Integralist doctrine in order to present it as “democratic” and “anti-totalitarian,” in terms of a peculiar “Christian concept of democracy.”


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