Locus: Revista de História _ V.30, N.2 (2024)

The orphanhoods of intangible cultural heritage: policies, heritageization processes and the recognitions and rights of Afro-ndant communities in Latin America.desce

Monica Beatriz Lacarrieu

Published 2025-02-02


  • intangible heritage,
  • recognitions,
  • rights,
  • afro-descendants

How to Cite

Lacarrieu, Monica Beatriz. 2025. “The Orphanhoods of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Policies, Heritageization Processes and the Recognitions and Rights of Afro-Ndant Communities in Latin America.Desce”. Locus: History Journal 30 (2):121-42.


This article aspires to think and rethink about the black presence (to a lesser extent the indigenous) in terms of intangible heritage. In this sense, we are interested in reflecting on this issue from the legitima tion of intangible heritage in the logic that UNESCO implemented from the Convention for the Safeguarding of this Heritage (2003), considering the contexts and local historical processes linked to Latin America ( particularly the southern region). That is why o ur starting point will be heritage, in order to understand to what extent this area contributes to strengthening recognition and struggles for rights.


Our objective is built between the past and present of the manifestations and communities and their complex relationship with the public policies of heritage, particularly in Argentina and Uruguay. Ancestry, as well as academic thoughts and community knowledge linked to new perspectives that cross Latin America, will allow us to critically reflect on potential democratization and decolonization.


These critical reflections are the result of work processes linked to consultancies and management experiences carried out with UNESCO and government organizations that allowed the elaboration, with an antopological perspective, of diverse academic writings.



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