Vol. 30 No. 1 (2024): Digital History: technology and historiography between theory and practice

Dialogue with Communication in the building of digital historical narratives in games: The culture of the Huni Kuin indigenous people

Helena Schiavoni Sylvestre
Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (Umesp)
Camila Escudero
Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (Umesp)
Capa da revista Locus (UFJF)

Published 2024-08-26


  • Digital History. Communication for Social Transformation. Eletronic games. Huni Kuin indigenous people. Cultural identities.

How to Cite

Schiavoni Sylvestre, Helena, and Camila Escudero. 2024. “Dialogue With Communication in the Building of Digital Historical Narratives in Games: The Culture of the Huni Kuin Indigenous People”. Locus: History Journal 30 (1):63-78. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2024.v30.43958.


This paper proposes a dialogue between the fields of Digital History and Communication for Social Transformation (CCS), in the analysis of the electronic game “Huni Kuin: Yube Baitana”. Our objective is to verify how the history of the culture and identities of the Kaxinawá indigenous people – or Huni Kuin, as they call themselves – is narrated. To do this, we start from a qualitative approach, using the exploratory analysis technique based on the recording and representation in the game of: 1) Stories and myths; 2) Traditional art; 3) Cultural soundtrack; 4) Mythical figures and supernatural beings; 5) Huni Kuin language. Among the main results, we highlighter the convergences between the fields of Digital History and CCS to understand processes of preserving memory and cultural identity, innovation and dissemination of knowledge.


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