Vol. 29 No. 2 (2023): Art histories, history of images
Open Section

Health, politics and university life: : an essay on Max Weber

Antonio de Pádua Bosi
Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Published 2024-01-08


  • Labor relations in Psychoanalysis; neutrality in Psychoanalysis

How to Cite

Bosi, Antonio de Pádua. 2024. “Health, Politics and University Life: : An Essay on Max Weber”. Locus: History Journal 29 (2):187-209. https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/41384.


This paper deals with the problem of perspective and distance in Psychoanalysis from a standpoint grounded on the broad experience of formation of Sociology, History, and Anthropology fields (the Humanities in general) during the second half of Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries. The hypothesis is that the distance and perspective of the psychoanalytical act were not (or did not work as) independent variables, as intended by Freud. The axiologically neutral handling of patients (intended by him) in the psychoanalytical practice always resulted unfulfilled since its work consisted of interrogating and interpreting the research material by guiding the person on the couch to interrogate him/herself. Simultaneously, I seek to identify and analyze how Freud’s jewishness made him a curious investigator and problematizer, and restless toward his identity as he raked the enigmatic sculpture of Moses made by Michaelangelo. Regarding this matter, I analyze the similarity between such a Moses (tolerant and/or furious) and Freud.


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