Vol. 28 No. 1 (2022): Recent history of Latin American foreign policy: a matter of elites?
Open Section

Primo Levi and the testimony literature: a (in)definition

Cleber Vinicius do Amaral Felipe
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Published 2022-07-05


  • Primo Levi,
  • Testimonial Literature,
  • concentration camps

How to Cite

do Amaral Felipe, Cleber Vinicius. 2022. “Primo Levi and the Testimony Literature: A (in)definition”. Locus: History Journal 28 (1):229-44. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2022.v28.34285.


This article proposes Primo Levi's “literature” as a confluence/litigation “zone” in
which disparate and paradoxical categories clash/contradict and produce reading effects, many of
them supported by the (im)possibilities of representing life in concentration camps. Without the
intention to cover all his Works, it is suggested that the testimony can be read as a “between”, as
a locus in which dualities such as the sublime and the abject, experiences and expectations; the
past and the present; the conventions and the unprecedented; the here and the beyond can


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