Vol. 25 No. 2 (2019): Dossier - 130 Years of Republic in Brazil: between advances and setbacks

Some aspects of the Russian Revolution in the pages of the First Republic Brazilian illustrated magazines

Andrea Casa Nova Maia
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Luciene Carris
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

Published 2019-12-05


  • Illustrated Magazines,
  • Representations,
  • Russian Revolution

How to Cite

Casa Nova Maia, Andrea, and Luciene Carris. 2019. “Some Aspects of the Russian Revolution in the Pages of the First Republic Brazilian Illustrated Magazines”. Locus: History Journal 25 (2). https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2019.v25.28714.


The purpose of this article is to problematize the different readings of the events that led to the taking of power by the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution in 1917 present in the Brazilian illustrated magazines, analyzing the representations of the images and texts of the printed ones that circulated especially in the capital of the newly proclaimed Brazilian Republic. The representations specially elaborated by the Illustrated Journals contributed to the formation of "visions" and different interpretations of what happened in those months of war and revolution. Images and speeches that allow us to analyze the construction of a singular discourse on History in the pages of the magazines of the Brazilian Republic. How the magazines Careta, Fon Fon, o Malho, Eu sei Tudo, A Leitura para Todos, Para Todos and A Revista da Semana presented the Russian Revolution of 1917? What was the type of information disseminated in such journals? And to what extent was the quality of this information distant from other sources, such as the working-day newspapers or daily newspapers of the major press at the time? What is the contribution of illustrated periodicals in understanding how the news and facts about Russia came to Brazil and were widespread? What are the main topics dealt with by magazines in dealing with the theme of the Russian Revolution? What stands out?


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