Vol. 24 No. 2 (2018): Dossiê - Os 30 anos da Constituição de 1988. Dilemas e desafios da "Nova República" no tempo presente

The Citizen Constitution and the Legacies of the Dictatorship

Daniel Aarão Reis
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Published 2023-08-01 — Updated on 2023-08-01



  • Constitution,
  • Transition,
  • Dictatorship & democracy,
  • Democratic Innovations & Dictatorial Legacies

How to Cite

Reis, Daniel Aarão. 2023. “The Citizen Constitution and the Legacies of the Dictatorship”. Locus: History Journal 24 (2). https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2018.v24.20879.


The 1988 Constitution in the context of the long transition from dictatorship to democracy. The dictatorship and its attempts at institutionalization: the 1967 Constitution. The struggles for a sovereign Constituent. The summons of the Constituent Assembly in 1985: scope and limits. The 1986 elections. The Constituent's trajectory: internal organization, participation of lobbies and popular mobilization. The 1988 Constitution: democratic innovations and dictatorship legacies. Social and democratic citizenship X centralization of power and military tutelage. The hybrid character of the new Constitution and its correspondence with the “transitional and transactional” transition process. The incidence of nationalist-statist political culture. The shredding of the new Constitution and its premature aging. The current political crisis and the need for a new Constitution.


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