Vol. 19 No. 1 (2013): Dossiê - Federalismo nas Américas

Sand in the Gears of the Colonial Government: conflict and riots in the mines of Goiás - History and historiography (1727-1739)


  • Mines of Goiás,
  • Political Instability,
  • Historiography

How to Cite

Lemes, Fernando Lobo. 2013. “Sand in the Gears of the Colonial Government: Conflict and Riots in the Mines of Goiás - History and Historiography (1727-1739)”. Locus: History Journal 19 (1). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20719.


In this article, the action of the Portuguese crown in an environment of political instability is discussed in order to understand the movement of progressive control exercised through the gears of the Portuguese colonial state in the mines of Goiás. Gradually, with every move of defiance of local authorities, the king of Portugal moves his pieces on the regional geopolitical chessboard and a major institutional repertoire is being projected on the territory occupied by the gold mines. In this context, through the narrative of the conflicts and riots, it is sought to shed light upon the power relations that indicate the existence of reactions to the projects and pretensions of Lisbon.


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