Vol. 13 No. 1 (2007): Dimensões da política na História - Estado, Nação, Império

"Ode to Salvador Dalí" and “Honey is sweeter than blood”


  • Federico García Lorca,
  • Salvador Dalí,
  • Surrealism

How to Cite

Brandão, Angela. 2007. “"Ode to Salvador Dalí" And ‘Honey Is Sweeter Than blood’”. Locus: History Journal 13 (1). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20660.


The text demonstrates the intersection of the biographies of a specific period of Federico García Lorca’s poetic production and of Salvador Dalí’s pictorial work with an emphasis on Lorca’s poem ‘Ode to Salvador Dalí’ and Dalí’s picture ‘Honey is sweeter than blood’. Therefore it is possible to explain some of the various symbolic elements present in the origins of surrealism and in the painter’s and the poet’s respective works.


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