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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines for manuscripts and reviews:


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Locus: Revista de História is a journal with more than twenty years of experience in the dissemination and production of historical knowledge. Linked to the Department and Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), the journal receives articles and reviews in a continuous flow and according to the dossiers proposed and coordinated by recognized researchers in the area.

All suggested contributions will be submitted to the evaluation of reputable and external reviewers unrelated to the editorial team of the journal and the publishing institution, with the approval of the text being subject to its judgment. In the event that the reviewers suggest changes, the publication will be subject to them. When submitting the proposal, the author is responsible for the originality of the text, the accuracy of the data presented and the opinions contained therein. In case of verification of plagiarism or non-originality of the material, the journal reserves the right to disregard the proposal. The average time from submission to final decision is 90 days

Proposals must be submitted without any identification of the authors. Identification will be carried out internally through the completed registration on the registration page before sending the text. To avoid recognition of authorship, direct and personal references to the authors or their previous works should be avoided. In Microsoft Office documents, the identification must be removed from the document properties in the File menu > Properties > Related people or in File > Save as > Authors. For Mac files, deletion should be done in Mac Options > Security Options ... > Delete personal file information when saving > OK > Save.

The authors of proposals must have a minimum doctoral degree. For reviews, the authors must have at least the title of master. Failure to verify this condition will result in automatic disapproval of the text. If there is more than one author, the editors will be informed, through a supplementary document, what contribution each one made to the text, from research to final writing, with a limit of three authors. The publication of advisors with their students is not allowed.

Locus: Revista de História does not charge a submission fee, nor does it charge an article processing fee (APC). The author who publishes on Locus needs to wait for at least 6 editions (3 years) before publishing again in the magazine. Any and all submissions must also be guided by the following technical standards, under penalty of disregarding the proposal.

Locus is based on the Chicago Style Manual:

Compliance with Chicago standards for publication is a mandatory condition for receiving the work. It is recommended that the text be previously sent to a technical reviewer, specialized in the language.


Formatting and general information: 

  • All texts must be written in font Garamond, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, justified and with an indentation in the first line of 1.25 cm. The margins should be 2.5 cm (top, bottom, left and right).
  • Quotations: documentary and/or bibliographic citations with more than three lines should be highlighted in the text in the following format: font size 10, single space, justified alignment, left margin 2.5 cm, without indentation of the first line, spacing before and after of 6pts. At the end of the quotation, in parentheses, the author-year bibliographic reference must be included (e.g. Sevcenko 1995, 36).
  • Explanatory notes should be indicated in the body of the text by Arabic numerals in ascending order and listed at the bottom of the page, in Garamond font, size 10, with justified alignment and simple spacing between lines. Do not use notes for bibliographic references. If there are bibliographical references within the notes, the same rules as in the body of the text must be observed, using the author-year system.
  • If the text contains sub-epigraphs, they must be written in font 13, with left alignment, single space and spacing before and after 6 pts.
  • Articles must fit, necessarily, the space between 15 and 25 pages, following the rules described above. They must also have a summary, with a maximum of 20 lines (written in the three languages of the journal, Portuguese, Spanish and English), as well as a title (source 12, also in Portuguese, Spanish and English).
  • Reviews must fit, necessarily, the space between 3 and 5 pages, following the rules described above. The reviewed works cannot be older than two years since its publication, in the case of works originally written in Portuguese, or older than five years since its publication, in the case of works originally published in another language.
  • Images, illustrations and graphics must be sent in the body of the text, as well as the respective caption and reference. The author is responsible for the respective authorization to publish the image. After insertion, the images must fit within the space of 15 to 25 pages allowed, under penalty of disregarding the text. Tables must be presented in Word format. Do not underline or draw lines within tables, use tabs to separate columns.
  • At the end of each text, the bibliography used must be referenced. This bibliography must fit, obligatorily, the space between 15 and 25 pages allowed, in the case of articles, or between 3 and 5 pages, in the case of reviews. References should follow the models shown by the examples below:


  • Book, one author

Surname, Name. Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher, year.

Ex.: Oliveira, Mônica Ribeiro de. Negócios de Família: Mercado, Terra e Poder na Formação da Cafeicultura Mineira (1780-1870). Bauru: Edusc; Juiz de Fora: Funalfa Edições, 2005.

  • Book, two or three authors

Surname, Name, and Name Surname. Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher, year.

Ex.: Rosa, Maria João Valente, and Cláudia Vieira. A População Portuguesa no Século XX. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2003.

  • Book, more than three authors

Surname, Name, Name Surname, Name Surname, and Name Surname. Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher, year.

Ex.: Freire, André, Marina Costa Lobo, Pedro Magalhães, and Ana Espírito-Santo. As Eleições Legislativas de 2002: Inquérito Pós-eleitoral, Base de Dados. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2003.

  • Book with organizer/coordinator...

Surname, Name, org. Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher, year.

Ex.: Barreto, António, org. Globalização e Migrações. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2005.

  • Book chapters

Surname, Name of the chapter's author. “Title of the Chapter”. In Book title in italics, Name and surname of the author(s)/organizer(s), start-end page. Place of publication: Publisher, year.

Ex.: Dutra, Eliana Regina de Freitas. “Tempo e estrutura na unidade do mundo mediterrânico: Fernand Braudel e as voltas da História”. In Braudel: Tempo e História, org. Marcos Antônio Lopes, 57-70. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2003.

  • Academic works

Surname, Name. “Title within quotation marks”. Thesis / Dissertation / Monograph / Course conclusion work, Place, Institution, defense year.

Ex.: Tanagino, Pedro Ivo Dias. “A síntese integral: a teoria do integralismo na obra de Miguel Reale (1932-1939)”. PhD thesis,  Juiz de Fora, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, 2018.

  • Academic journal article

Surname, Name. “Title”. Title of the journal in italics, volume, number (year): start page-end page.

Ex.: Santos, Marco Antônio Cabral dos. “Francisco Campos: um ideólogo para o Estado Novo”. Locus, Revista de História, 13, n. 2 (2007): 31-60.

  • Newspaper/magazine articles

Surname, Name. “Title”, Title of the newspaper/magazine, full date, Information.

Ex.: Almeida, Marco Rodrigo. “Movimento integralista resiste e vê bom momento para difusão de suas ideias”, Folha de S.Paulo, 29 de dezembro de 2018, Poder, A11.

  • Article in event proceedings

Name(s) of the Author(s). Year. “Title”. Poster presented  ------, Location, Date of completion.

Ex.: Belo, Alessandra. 2009. “A Justiça do Trabalho e o movimento operário: trabalhadores têxteis de Juiz de Fora”. Simpósio do LAHPS – 90 anos da OIT: mobilização social e direitos trabalhistas, Juiz de Fora, Brasil, October 2009.

  • Movies/Videos

Author(s). Year. “Movie Title”. Video source, duration. URL.

Ex.: UChannel. 2009. “The heat is on: Biofuels and climate change”. YouTube, 1:03:34.

  • Electronic documents

Author(s). Year. “Title of the page”. URL.

Ex.: IEEE. 2018. “IEEE GlobalSpec unveils enhanced reference library on”.

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