Liga Acadêmica de Hematologia (HemoLiga): atuação no Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão




Medical Education, Health Sciences, Teaching, Community-Institutional Relations


Introduction: The Academic Leagues (ALs) are very present organizations in Medicine courses in Brazil. They are extracurricular and complementary activities which are based on tripod education, research, and extension, aiming to promote a more profound knowledge on a given topic. As a result, it stimulates creativity, self-learning, and critical thinking to provide better professional training. Objective: Report the history and performance of HemoLiga (HL), focusing on scientific production and compare it with other Brazilian Medicine ALs presented in the literature. Methods: Reading and analysis of HL meeting minutes for the league's historical documentation associated with the study of the Lattes Curriculum of current and former HL members to collect data on the league's scientific production. The information obtained was tabulated in spreadsheets according to the subtypes of work. Analysis and crossing of variables were performed to produce graphics. Results: HL has been functioning for 14 years and it is linked to three Medicine courses in Juiz de Fora. The aim of education is obtained through meetings and internships in the area of Hematology. Research is its main activity, including an international line of research. Since its foundation, HL has produced a list of 217 scientific works, including 32 scientific articles, 180 abstracts, three book chapters, and two books. Regarding the extension aspect, the league worked on the projects Unir para Cuidar, Doador do Futuro, Triagem Neonatal and Amigo de Sangue. Conclusion: Through its scope of action, as other ALs, HL contributes through its scientific initiation profile to the academic training of its members, in addition to benefiting society through its extension projects.


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How to Cite

Apolinário dos Santos AC, Noyma Sampaio Magalhaes N, Sette Esposito T, de Paula Silva Souza S, Augusto Niess Soares Fonseca L, Franco dos Santos O, Marcelino de Oliveira C, de Oliveira Werneck Rodrigues D. Liga Acadêmica de Hematologia (HemoLiga): atuação no Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão. HU Rev [Internet]. 2023Dec.11 [cited 2024Jul.17];49:1-7. Available from:



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