Clinical nutritional and diet profile of hospitalized patients
Screening, Nutritional Therapy, Malnutrition, Oral Supplementation, HospitalizationAbstract
Introduction: The prevalence of hospital malnutrition has been increasing in hospitalized patients, being that most of them are already malnourished at the time of hospitalization. It is recommended the use of nutritional screening in order to diagnosis the patients at nutritional risk, then, those will be classified and subject to a nutritional assessment, adjusting their caloric intake, nutrient intake and oral supplementation. Objective: To analyze the clinical, nutritional and dietary profile of hospitalized patients, as well as to relate to sociodemographic and clinical data. Material and Methods: Retrospective observational clinical study with a semi-structured protocol review used by the Nutrition Service to provide nutritional care to patients admitted to a private hospital in Juiz de Fora. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS Statistics 21.0 Software. Results: A total of 759 medical records were analyzed, being 58.1% female with a mean age of 55.09 ± 22.95 years. It was found that 44.3% of patients had nutritional risk on admission. Regarding the pathologies, those of cardiological etiology were more prevalent in hospitalization 22.1%. Regarding dietary prescription, 75.9% had alterations after nutritional assessment. Regarding the evolution of patients, 68.1% remained hospitalized. Conclusion: Higher prevalence of female hospitalizations, more than half of the patients had nutritional risk on admission, regardless of gender and age. More than 70% of the patients had a change in the dietary prescription by the nutritionist, emphasizing the importance of intervention and nutritional monitoring, since it favors the nutritional status of the patient.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Francielle Dias Carvalho, Luana Aparecida da Costa Melo, Elisa Mendonça Grossi, Lívia Botelho da Silva Sarkis, Gilce Andrezza de Freitas Folly Zocateli

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