Effect of regular physical activity on health-related quality of life of resistant hypertensive patients
Hypertension, Chronic Disease, Quality of Life, Physical ActivityAbstract
Introduction: Resistant hypertensive patients have worse health-related quality of life than patients with systemic arterial hypertension. Regular exercise improves this quality of life of patients with systemic arterial hypertension. Thus, it is possible that physical activity increases the health-related quality of life of resistant hypertensive patients. Objective: To test the hypothesis that regular physical activity improves the health-related quality of life of patients with resistant hypertension. Material and methods: Were evaluated 38 patients, male and famale, diagnosed with resistant hypertension, divided into Active (n=19, 64±7 years old) and Sedentary (n=19, 56±10 years old) groups. The patient who was physically active for at least three times a week, with a minimum duration of two hours per week for more than four months, was considered physically active. And, considered sedentary, the patient who had not practiced exercise regularly for at least six months. Health-related quality of life was assessed by the SF-36 questionnaire considering the following domains: functional capacity, limitation by physical aspects, pain, general health, vitality, social aspects, emotional aspects and mental health. Student's t test for independent samples was used and considered significant p <0.05. Results: Health-related quality of life was significantly higher in the Active group compared to the Sedentary group for the domains functional capacity (69±25 vs. 44±22 points, p<0.01), pain (66±23 vs. 49±22 points, p=0.03), general health (61±16 vs. 52±9 points, p=0.03), vitality (69±20 vs. 43±22 points, p<0.01), limitation by physical aspects (75±38 vs. 40±34 points, p<0.01) and mental health (76±24 vs. 53±26 points, p=0.01), respectively. And, the Active and Sedentary groups were similar for the domains social aspects (74±24 vs. 68±28 points, p=0.54) and limitation by emotional aspects (63±38 vs. 40±36 points, p=0.07), respectively. Conclusion: Regular physical activity improves the health-related quality of life of patients with resistant hypertension.
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