Prevalence and factors associated with pressure injury occurrence in intensive care unit patients
Pressure Ulcer, Intensive Care Units, Protocols, Risk Factors, Nursing TeamAbstract
Introduction: The Intensive Care Unit is the most susceptible environment to the development of pressure injury due to the critical condition of patients, representing an important field for understanding the triggering factors of this event in order to prevent it. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and factors associated with the onset of pressure injury in patients admitted to an intensive care unit. Material and methods: Quantitative, analytical and documentary study. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics performed. Associated factors were analyzed using binary logistic regression. Significance of 5% and confidence of 95% were adopted. Results: The sample consisted of 566 patient records, being prevalent male, between 20 and 39 years old. Absence of pressure injury at admission, as well as non-development during hospitalization, were prevalent, although most patients were at moderate risk for the development of pressure injury by the Braden scale. There was a prevalence of 22.3% in the onset of pressure injury, even in the existence of the preventive protocol in the sector. The factors associated with the onset of pressure injury were urgency / red room as the sector of origin (p = 0.032) and length of stay of 10 days or more (p = 0.029). Conclusion: The results of this study showed relevant prevalence since the occurrence of pressure injuries is considered an adverse event related to hospitalization and care provided to critically ill patients.
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