Case Report: Primary Vaginal Melanoma
Melanoma, Vaginal Cancer, Vaginal BleedingAbstract
Introduction: Malignant melanoma of the vagina is a rare tumor with 0.46 cases per one million women per year and first described by Poronas in 1887. There are 500 cases reported. It is a mucosal variant of melanoma wich affects regions not exposed to ultraviolet radiation. It represents less than 3% of vagina primary tumors, with a poor prognosis and five-year survival of 5-25%. The gold standard treatment is controversial and subject of discussions. There are few data in the literature, justifying the case report, which contribute to new studies. Objective: case report of primary invasive melanoma of the vagina. Case report: Female patient, 78 years old, reports vaginal bleeding for 6 months and serum blood secretion of foul-smelling. Gynecological examination revealed vegetation in the left vaginal wall, with active bleeding, friable and foul-smelling, no lesions in the cervix and uterus of normal volume. The biopsy followed by immunohistochemical test showed a neoplasia of epithelioid cells with prominent atypia with melanic pigment associated with pagetoid extension to superficial layers of the epithelium, atypical mitoses, and a strong and diffuse positivity for Melan A and protein S100, favoring the hypothesis of primary invasive melanoma of the vagina. The magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis showed heterogeneous inguinal lymph node on the left. Results: Patient submitted to colpectomy with excision of anterior neoplastic lesion of the vagina and resection of suspicious lesions on side walls of the vagina and right lateral wall of the vulva, without surgical complications. Conclusion: The case reported encourages discussion of this pathology, and demonstrated that even if diagnosis and therapy are performed early, still has a very unpredictable prognosis, in terms of healing and improvement of the quality of life.
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