Lei Lucas: primeiros socorros em uma escola estadual de ensino fundamental





Objective: To analyze the understanding of employees of an elementary school in the Amazon about first aid before and after training in loco. Methodology: Descriptive qualitative research of the action-research type, carried out through questionnaires and training. Results: In the pre-training, only 10% of the participants reported having some knowledge about the Lucas law and 100% never received training in first aid. In post-training, 70% of those surveyed reported not feeling safe in an emergency, where 40% refer to initially assisting the victim and 40% would call SAMU. Final Considerations: It was concluded that the training of professionals from elementary schools on first aid care through permanent education is the necessary in the school environment, where children are vulnerable and these professionals must feel safer and more capable at the time of experience this type of situation, favoring the safety of children and consequently avoiding the worst.


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How to Cite

de Freitas, J. B. Q., Oliveira, T. A., Marques, T. V., Mota, A. C. G. de S., dos Santos, B. R. F., & Tyll, M. de A. G. (2023). Lei Lucas: primeiros socorros em uma escola estadual de ensino fundamental . Revista De Enfermagem Da UFJF, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.34019/2446-5739.2023.v9.40255



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