Crisis, crisis, crisis

The normalization of the crisis and the work of critics


  • Roodrigo Cordero Universidad Diego Portales


Crisis, Critique, Fragility


The article takes up the themes of the book "Crisis and Critique", developing arguments about the relationship between "crises" and the fragility of the foundations of social life, which becomes more evident in moments of crisis, either because of the ruptures with what seemed routine and normal that emerge from this, or because of the possibilities of problematization that make society an object of reflection for itself. The concept of crisis can then be critically recovered not to produce a general theory, but to study the plurality of ways in which societies give visibility to (or hide) their conflicts, excesses and structural problems, even when the crisis seems normalized. Finally, the article also deals with the challenges of critique in reading these processes and the possibility of exploring alternatives.


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Arendt, Hannah. [1961] The Crisis in Education. In Between Past and Future, 170–193.

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How to Cite

Cordero, R. (2024). Crisis, crisis, crisis: The normalization of the crisis and the work of critics. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (37), 11–23. Retrieved from


