Christian Peace and Life Community and its post-Covid-19 collective dimension


  • André Magalhães Coelho Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Neopentecostals, Covid-19, Religion, Reframing, Collectivity


This article analyzes the collective dimension of the Christian Community Paz e Vida de São Mateus on the outskirts of the East Zone of São Paulo and its new forms of collectivity caused by the pandemic. This text will verify, through the faithful of the religious institution, their observations and religious experiences, and the way they started to reimagine the space of integration. The empirical material collected for this research is formed by: 02 (two) pastors called Pastor A and Pastor B, 02 (two) church members who will be called Members A and C and 01 (one), Worker, who will be presented as Worker C. The research was developed based on field observation through the behavior of the faithful, and for that, interviews and questionnaires were used.


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How to Cite

Magalhães Coelho, A. (2023). Christian Peace and Life Community and its post-Covid-19 collective dimension. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (36), 56–85.


