Charlotte Perkins Gilman, pioneer of sociology:

her legacy for theorizing about gender, bodies, and artifacts.


  • Olga Sabido Ramos UAM-AZCAPOTZALCO



Gilman, Pioneers, Body, Gender, Artifacts


The article recovers Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s contributions, a pioneer of feminist sociology, for analyzing bodies and artifacts in the symbolization and materialization of gender. The article develops three analytical categories proposed by Gilman: a) 'symbolism,' b) 'excessive sex-distinction' and c) the 'mechanical conditions' of clothing. I demonstrate how the sociology proposed by Gilman offers us a relational logic that articulates the symbolic and material dimensions of gender. I maintain that various reflections of the author are precursors of some of the contemporary debates around the studies of gendered bodies, the sociology of perception, and the relevance of materiality to explain the social. In the same way, I highlight how Gilman points out that these social mechanisms of expression, materialization, and performance of the gender are traversed by structural issues such as the capitalist economy and androcentric culture.


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How to Cite

Sabido Ramos, O. (2023). Charlotte Perkins Gilman, pioneer of sociology:: her legacy for theorizing about gender, bodies, and artifacts. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (36), 192–222.


