Studies on ethnic-racial relations in the Anthropology curriculum of a peruvian university:
approaches, inclusions and absences
raza, racismo, antropología, afroperuano, Perú.Abstract
This article presents some issues that we identify as central to the debate on race, racism, anti-racism about academic and curricular cultures in Peruvian higher education, in particular, in the field of Social Sciences at a public university in the Peruvian capital, Lima. The theoretical-methodological framework dialogues with the theory of race and racism: De la Cadena (2004), Quijano (2005), Luciano (2012). The analysis of Anthropology course plans (2009-2018) and interviews (2019-2022) provided a critical analysis of Van Dijk (1999) discourses. The analysis shows that the Anthropology course, on the one hand, through specific initiatives of teachers engaged with anti-racist education, a debate with more in-depth discussions about ethnic-racial relations, about the production of knowledge of race, miscegenation, racism, indigenism, gender and race, whiteness. On the other hand, in the curriculum of the Anthropology course, the Afro-Peruvian population, whose history is made invisible in Peruvian higher education, as well as the bibliography produced by Afro-Peruvian, African. The academic discourse that appears in Anthropology teaching plans regarding the Anthropology career generally emphasizes the importance of meeting the needs of indigenous, Amazonian and campesina.
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