Public communication networks, multiple ontologies and women's political participation from the NGO Themis

Gênero, Justiça e Direitos Humanos


  • Taíse Souza Barfknecht Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)



Actor-Network Theory, Multiple Ontologies, Public Communication Networks, Promotoras Legais Populares


This essay proposes an analysis of the Promotoras Legais Populares (PLPs) initiative, developed by the Non-Governmental Organization Themis – Gênero, Justiça e Direitos Humanos of Porto Alegre/RS, focusing on the formation of networks of women promoted by the institution. Using the concepts of Actor-Network Theory (ANT), multiple ontologies and public communication networks, this work carries out a theoretical-methodological reflection as a basis for investigating how the projects of the NGO Themis contribute to the visibility and credibility of participating women, promoting access and defense of rights, as well as their political participation. The analysis showed that the justice system has a unique format to deal with the multiple experiences of citizens, and that the tracking of public communication networks can represent an initial research action, aiming to understand the possibilities of combating violence against women, as well as foment their political participation in decision-making spaces. Thus, the triangulation between Actor-Network Theory (ANT), multiple ontologies and public communication networks makes up a fruitful analytical field, considering the agency of humans and non-humans in citizenship processes.


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How to Cite

Souza Barfknecht, T. (2022). Public communication networks, multiple ontologies and women’s political participation from the NGO Themis : Gênero, Justiça e Direitos Humanos. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (34), 88–115.


