Peripheral music: aesthetics, culture and politics on the scene in Macapá-AP

estética, cultura e política na cena em Macapá-AP


  • Wesley Oliveira Mestrando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.



Peripheral Music, Rap, Amapá


In contemporary times, especially for artists of the independent circuits, the internet has become a fertile tool for the dissemination of their music, as well as to mark their space and propose strategies to insert themselves in the music scene in Macapá-Ap. The Amapaense music scene is crossed by multiple cultural, social and political codes, which represent the particularities of producing and making music in the Amazonian context. Having as a central focus rap, the musical element of Hip Hop culture, this article has as its general objective to analyze what place rap intends to reach in the artistic and cultural scene of Amapa. To this end, the methodology adopted was documentary research and the interview technique as an instrument for data collection.The result is that rap's desired place is its recognition as a musical genre and social activism, proposing, through the "New MPA," a new musical and cultural category for the rap universe, the Amapaense Peripheral Music, applied as a means of expressing its musicality, social non-conformism, and the struggle to insert itself into the local music scene


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How to Cite

Oliveira, W. (2021). Peripheral music: aesthetics, culture and politics on the scene in Macapá-AP: estética, cultura e política na cena em Macapá-AP. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (33), 273–288.


