Apresentação do dossiê: Relações de gênero e sexualidade na cibercultura

sociabilidades, redes digitais e dissidências


  • Ramon Silva Costa UFJF
  • Júlia Pessôa Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


Gênero, Sexualidade, Cibercultura


Personal, economic and cultural relationships are increasingly permeated by new digital technologies. Relationship, information and consumption networks have resized our sociability and relativized the limitations of time and space. In this sense, the present dossier proposal has as its theme the relations of gender and sexuality arranged in cyberculture, including sexual and affective interactions, gender performances, social movements and the political, educational and cultural processes in cyberspace. The proposal is justified by the need for immersion of the Social and Human Sciences in the themes linked to the new processes of human subjectivation, interaction and production in digital networks, especially regarding the studies of Gender and Sexuality, essencial areas for the understanding of conflicts, power struggles, sociability and dissident identities. Thus, the objective is to promote the production and publication of theoretical and empirical research on topics of relevance to the new interactive and communicational dynamics of today.



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How to Cite

Silva Costa, R., & Pessôa, J. (2020). Apresentação do dossiê: Relações de gênero e sexualidade na cibercultura : sociabilidades, redes digitais e dissidências. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (31). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/csonline/article/view/31672


