Latin american feminism: the theoretical-conceptual legacy of Heleieth Saffioti

o legado teórico-conceitual de Heleieth Saffioti


  • Maria Júlia Tavares Pereira Universidade Federal de Alfenas - Unifal



Feminism, Capitalism, Female work , Gender


Heleieth Saffioti was a pioneer in Brazilian discussions about women’s realities under capitalism, articulating what would later be the category “gender” to the category of social class. Between 1960 and 1980, she stipulated the broad presence of the overlap between class, gender and race/ethnicity, developing the idea of a knot that ties those contradictions. She identified a duplicity in women’s condition under class society, sustained by the underestimation of abilities considered feminine and the marginalized insertion of women in the labor market. This article proposes a descriptive discussion of Saffioti’s work, conducting a bibliographic review, which elucidates the diversity of issues addressed by the author. It concludes that she produced an important historicization and sociological analysis of women’s situations in Brazil, as well as useful tools of analysis, later complexified by other scholars. Therefore, Saffioti’s repertoire is a useful one for the reincorporation of class as a central category for feminist studies


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FERRANTE, Vera L.S. Botta; SAFFIOTI, Heleieth. A mulher e as contradições do capitalismo agrário. Perspectivas, São Paulo, v. 6, 1983, p.67-75.

GONÇALVES, Renata. O feminismo marxista de Heleieth Saffioti. Lutas Sociais, São Paulo, n.27, 2011, p.119-131.

MIGUEL, Luis Felipe. Voltando à discussão sobre capitalismo e patriarcado. Estudos feministas, Florianópolis, SC, v. 25, n.3, set./dez. 2017, p. 1219-1237.

SAFFIOTI, Heleieth. Trabalho feminino e capitalismo. In.: IX Congress of Ethnological and Antropological Sciences, Chicago, 1973. 45 p.

SAFFIOTI, Heleieth. A mulher na sociedade de classes: mito e realidade. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 1976. p. 5-66.

SAFFIOTI, Heleieth. Violência de Gênero no Brasil Contemporâneo. In.: SAFFIOTI, Heleieth; MUÑOZ-VARGAS, Monica. Mulher brasileira é assim. Rio de Janeiro: Rosa dos Tempos; UNICEF, 1994.

SAFFIOTI, Heleieth. O poder do macho. São Paulo: Editora Moderna, 2001. 120 p.

SAFFIOTI, Heleieth. Gênero, patriarcado, violência. São Paulo: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2004. 151 p.



How to Cite

Tavares Pereira, M. J. (2021). Latin american feminism: the theoretical-conceptual legacy of Heleieth Saffioti: o legado teórico-conceitual de Heleieth Saffioti. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (33), 380–392.


