Completude do esquema vacinal contra a hepatite B segundo registros de imunização
Vacinas contra Hepatite B. Sistemas de Informação em saúde. Imunização. Adulto.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the completeness of immunization schedule against hepatitis B (recombinant) of adults in the city of Minas Gerais, according to immunization records on the Information System of the National Immunization Program (SIPNI). Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study carried out based on data from the SIPNI, in 2019. There was the analysis of 654 records of individuals vaccinated against hepatitis B (recombinant). Results: Only 10.55% of the vaccinated completed the vaccination against hepatitis B (recombinant). Female subjects had 3.23 times more chances of completing vaccination schedule if compared to males and those aged 50 years or more have 2.77 times more chances of having full immunization schedule if compared to individuals aged from 25 to 49 years. The mean time for completion of the immunization schedule was 244 days. Conclusion: The present study pointed to a low completeness in the immunization schedule against hepatitis B.