Review and implementation of Rational Use of Medicines in the Program of Asthma Basic in a Basic Health Unit in Porto Alegre, Brazil


  • Denise Bueno Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Programa da Asma, Uso racional de medicamentos, Adesão a tratamento


This study aims to identify the causes that generate inactive users at the program of Asthma developed at the pharmacy of the Basic Health Unit (BHU) HCPA - Santa Cecilia-Porto Alegre-Brazil, in order to get a rational use of the medicines. The data capture was carried out from August 2008 to December 2008, through the registration of users in the Asthma Program and their phone number. The phone number was searched through a program AGH-UBS (application of hospital management) for the implementation of the questionnaire, aiming to verify the reasons and origins of the inactivity. It was observed that the total number of users registered in the program of the Office of Asthma is 278; of which 83 have never taken any medication; and 6 of them had only taken any medication in 2007, with a total of 89 users considered inactive. The analysis of the data and the register of patients found out that many users did not know the program and bought the medicines in drugstores. Others have only occasional crises, so they only take the drug when necessary. It was also noticed that the quantitative inventory of the pharmacy covers all users registered in the program, but some patients do not take this medication for the treatment of their diseases. Therefore, these drugs are restricted to the users of the program and are not used, creating a stock of medicines that are not provided to other users. Finally, we can conclude that it is necessary to work with the patient on information about the correct use of medications and the differences among them, as well as to strengthen the Group of Asthma conducted in the unit to ensure more compliance with the treatment.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


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Author Biography

Denise Bueno, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Faculdade de Farmácia -UFRGS Professora Adjunta III do Departamento de Produção e Controle de Medicamentos área de assistência farmacêutica





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