Determinação das fontes alimentares e da infecção natural do Triatoma jurbergi (Carcavallo, Galvão & Lent, 1998) Triatoma vandae Carcavallo, Jurberg, Rocha, Galvão, Noireau & Lent, 2001 capturados no estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil


  • Elias Seixas Lorosa
  • Regina Esteves de Andrade
  • José Roberto Pujol-Luz
  • José Jurberg
  • Rodolfo Ubaldo Carcavallo


While governmental agencies have controlled the main domiciliated vectors of Chagas disease in some regions of the country, the permanent searching of the so called “secondary vectors” is very important. They are attracted by light and frequently invade and colonize human dwellings. As future candidates of epidemiological importance, Triatoma jurbergi,
species recently described, was found in cracks of erosive rocky hills with Psitacidae nests, sucking blood to rodents and parrots, attacking gold washers in the high and steep banks the river of the Garças in the state of Mato Grosso. We have analyzed the digestive content of 164 specimens and could
demonstrate its alimentary eclecticism; also, it was proven that had participated of the diet the following sources: rodent 29%; bird 13%; opossum 10%; dog 10% and lizard 4%. We found natural infection with Trypanosoma cruzi- like in 27 specimens (15.5%). Triatoma vandae, another recently described species, was found in human dwellings in the state of Mato Grosso, attracted by light and its habits are still unknown. The analysis of the digestive content through the technique of precipitine of 193 specimens showed alimentary eclecticism and that several sources have participated of the diet: rodent 20.7%; opossum 12%; bird 9%; pig 6%; armadillo 6%; dog 4%, and lizard 3%. Natural infection with T. cruzi- like was found in 31 specimens (16%).



