A influência da rotina de manejo na interação social entre pares heterosexuais do sagüi, Callithrix jacchus (Linnaeus,1758)


  • Maricele Nascimento Barbosa
  • Maria Teresa da Silva Mota


The influence of husbandry on the behavioral repertoire of 8 breeding pairs of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
(Linnaeus,1758) was evaluated at the Núcleo de Primatologia of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The observation sessions were carried out for 30 minutes on weekday (Wednesday) and weekend (Sunday) in the morning and the afternoon throughout 1 month. The data collection method was continuous recording. The behavioral categories measured were the frequency of approach and leaving, scent mark behavior, and locomotion performed by the breeding male and female. Additionally, it was recorded the duration of physical contact/proximity and allogrooming of both sexes. The statistical test used was Analyses of Variance (ANOVA). A significant difference was found between behavioral pattern of breeding male and female regarding the observation day (weekday or weekend). The animals spent
most of their time in physical contact, proximity, and allogrooming on the weekend, opposite to the pattern obtained for frequency of approach, leaving and scent marking. Thus, we might suggest that the presence of people, the husbandry of the colony which includes medication and weighing of animals, plus the cleaning and
hygiene of cages, among other factors, which are more frequent during the week, influence the behavioral response of male and female common marmosets living in captive environment.


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