Horário de atividade e etograma básico de Sarasinula linguaeformis Semper, 1885 (Mollusca, Veronicellidae), em condições de laboratório
The aim of this work was to observe and to describe the behavioural repertory and activity schedule of the slug Sarasinula linguaeformis Semper, 1885, under laboratoryconditions. Direct observations were made over ten individuals through the “Scannig Sample” method for behaviour record, totalizing forty eight hours of observation and through the “Focal Group” method, during a 24 hours continuous session. The behavioral categories observed were resting, locomotion, feeding, digging, exploring, defecating and emerging. Sarasinula linguaeformis was more active during the night and during the first hours of the day. The individuals were active in the period between 18:00 and 13:00, exhibiting activity peak between 20:00 and 09:00, activity decrease between 13:00 and 16:00, and inactivity between 13:00 and 16:00. The nocturnal habit exhibited by S. linguaeformis is a comum feature among the terrestrial moluscs and seems to be a behavioral strategy related to homeostasis maintenance
by these animals.
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