3) Behind the Labels: Criteria for defining analytical categories in FrameNet Brasil
Inglês: FrameNet Brasil (FN-Br) aims to develop the Brazilian Portugues e branch of the FrameNet initiative, started by Charles J. Fillmore at the International Computer Sciences Institute, in Berkeley. Since 2007, FN-Br has been developing lexicographic analyses of Brazilian Portuguese based on the principles of Frame Semantics and supported by corpus evidence. This paper reports on the construction of a series of analytical categories supporting lexicographic annotation in FN-Br. We discuss the creation of new phrase type and grammatical function labels for FN-Br, since the original ones were proposed for English. Also, we present the theoretical background behind the creation of such labels.KEYWORDS: FrameNet Brasil Lexicographic Annotation; Analytical Categories; Grammatical Functions; Phrase Types.
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