Mariana, Herondina e Toya Jarina
transculturalidade nas figurações do sagrado feminino na Encantaria Amazônica
Mariana, Herondina and Toya Jarina. Transculturality. Feminine Sacred. Amazonian Encantaria.Abstract
the present work claims to wake reflections about the striking traits of transculturality in the archetypal figurations of the feminine sacred in religious in Brazilian North religions, taking as an analytical basis the Mariana, Herondina and Toya Jarina’s story, turkish princesses who have become popular entities in Encantaria, a branch of Umbanda practiced in most of the Brazilian Amazon. The research results pointed out the diasporic, transcultural character of the representative formation of these “Encantadas” as an important element that highlights, in a peculiar way, that their images refer to the ethnic and sociocultural plurality that formed the Brazilian population, as it is understood today, contained in the mythical configurations of the Brazilian divine woman’s archetypes, as well as in the substantiation of the transcendental feminine being as derived from the mystical experiences of the psychosocial subject attracted by the relentless force of this model. As a basis for the research and bibliographic review that supports this analysis, the work of theorists linked to the study of archetypal representations of the feminine in religions, as well as their configurations in Amazonian religious practices, such as Ferretti (1996), Loureiro (1995), Ortiz (1999) and Prandi (2005), among others.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alex Araújo Mar, Caio Augusto Teixeira Souto, Waldimiro Maximino Tavares César
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