Relationship of young users of digital social networks with the sacred
um estudo sobre o sagrado no Instagram
Spirituality, Religion, Sacred, Youth, PsychologyAbstract
Brazilian society is largely characterized by its religiosity. Psychology in Brazil has not developed a field of study dedicated to religious phenomena to the point of including it as a mandatory subject in undergraduate courses. The objective of this study is to profile the spiritual and religious experience of young social media users. An online structured questionnaire containing 23 multiple-choice questions was administered. 572 responses were obtained. The participants had a profile of being enrolled in higher education, who understand spirituality as a path of life, considering themselves spiritual, but not religious. The vast majority experience spirituality differently from their family and just over half practice individually.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maycon Rodrigo da Silveira Torres, Natasha Martins, Matheus Coutinho dos Santos Alves
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