Frida Kahlo: spirituality, art and courage to be
Frida Kahlo; spirituality; art; courage to beAbstract
This article takes as its starting point to necessary to discuss the relationship between theology and art. Art as a symbolic form expresses the artist's deep existential meanings, giving us access to a new dimension of his being: the spiritual. We understand the spiritual dimension as that which gives movement and direction to our achievements in life. It is in this sense that, from the encounter with Frida Kahlo's art, this proposal was born to point out the signs of a transcendent reality in her self-portrait “Colar com Espinhos e Beija-flor”, from 1940. Within a phenomenological hermeneutic approach, we chose by the bibliographical research, choosing as a theoretical reference the theology of culture of Paul Tillich.
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Figura 1. Ex-voto, 1943, óleo sobre metal, 19 x 21,1 cm. Coleção particular.
Figura 2. Frida Kahlo e Diego Rivera, 1931, óleo sobre tela, 100 x 78, 7 cm. Museu Frida Kahlo, Cidade do México. Disponível em: Acesso em 15 jul. 2017.
Figura 3. Autorretrato com colar de espinhos e beija-flor, 1940, óleo sobre tela, 63,5 x 49,5 cm. Museu Frida Kahlo, Cidade do México. Disponível em: Acesso em 20 jul. 2019
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