Pentecostalism and the clash of civilizations

Brazil and the Judeo-Christian identity


  • Luís Gustavo Zimmer UFSC
  • Guilherme Cardoso Estevão UNICAMP



pentecostalism; clash of civilizations; international identity; Judeo-Christian civilization; Islam.


This article proposes to discuss, through International Relations perspectives, the relationship between the clash of civilizations and Brazilian Pentecostalism. Our aim here is not to declare support or disagree with Huntington's controversial thesis, but to investigate an appeal to civilizational identity in this group. To this end, we will seek to analyze the construction of the Judeo-Christian identity fostered by the speeches of Pentecostal politicians and pastors, as well as the implications for this Islamic “Other” that appears in these speeches. Religion is an important part of this logic, as it originates from homogeneous and antagonistic civilizations.


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How to Cite

ZIMMER, L. G.; CARDOSO ESTEVÃO, G. Pentecostalism and the clash of civilizations: Brazil and the Judeo-Christian identity. Sacrilegens , [S. l.], v. 18, n. 1, p. p. 83–98, 2021. DOI: 10.34019/2237-6151.2021.v18.34140. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.