Cognitive sciences, history and the comparative study of religion: on the road to a formal and historically tangible concept of "religion"


  • Thales Moreira Maia Silva
  • Lucas Soares dos Santos



Cognitive Science of Religion, History of Religion, Theory and Methodology


Besides formulating hypotheses about behaviors and ideas deemed “religious” as predictions that are intersubjectively testable (not only by experimentalists but also by ethnographers and historians) the dialog between History, the Cognitive sciences, and the comparative study of religions can contribute to three issues in the larger study of religion. It can help to stipulate the kinds of data that might be included (and excluded) from such an area of study, it can provide a framework for organizing and evaluating the history of religions, and it can offer a non-ethnocentric basis for comparing religions. If correctly applied, the result of such collaborative work might result in a comprehensive and truly scientific study of religion.


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How to Cite

MOREIRA MAIA SILVA, T. .; SOARES DOS SANTOS, L. . Cognitive sciences, history and the comparative study of religion: on the road to a formal and historically tangible concept of "religion". Sacrilegens , [S. l.], v. 14, n. 2, p. 25–44, 2017. DOI: 10.34019/2237-6151.2017.v14.26976. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.