The “Círio de Nazaré” and its symbolic value in the formation and maintenance of the regional identity of the state of Pará


  • Wellington da Silva Conceição


Belém do Pará, Círio de Nazaré, national identity, regional identity, popular religiousness


The purpose of this text is to demonstrate how a religious celebratrion, the “Círio de Nazaré” (Candle of Nazaré) in Belém do Pará, has the symbolic function of being the great identity sign of the population of Pará (and it is slowly becoming the same for the Amazonas region, as a whole) both for the citizens (including the state) and also for others of different origins or nations. For this purpose, I commence by reviewing in accordance with important authors who studied this subject in depth, the concept of nation and how it is formed. Subsequently, I review the theories of regionalism and regions, which are formed as an example and departing from the nationalism. Finally, I try to demonstrate how the regional feeling from the state of Pará inhabitants is manifested in the celebration of the “Círio de Nazaré” and how this religious festivity becomes a key symbol of this regional identity.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA CONCEIÇÃO, W. . The “Círio de Nazaré” and its symbolic value in the formation and maintenance of the regional identity of the state of Pará. Sacrilegens , [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 4–14, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.