The end of radical alterity and the birth of the State in the work of Marcel Gauchet


  • Heiberle Hirsgberg Horácio


primitive religions, birth of the state, Gauchet


I tried to build this article, based on the book The Disenchantment of the World of Marcel Gauchet, notes in which to understand the birth of the state by the author's work. For this, it is necessary that we explain the origin of religions and religious first and its attributes, as for the question Gauchet state is related to discontinuation of religious or religion-stage pure.


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How to Cite

HIRSGBERG HORÁCIO, H. The end of radical alterity and the birth of the State in the work of Marcel Gauchet. Sacrilegens , [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 132–141, 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dec. 2024.