The Jalãl AL-Din Rûmîs semiotic-imagetic poetics: an allusion the I-You meeting as a misticism for encountering God
Rumi’s poetics, Francis of Assisi, Encounter/Relationship, Axle-LoveAbstract
This article pursues a hermeneutics of Rumi’s imagetic poetics, trying to glimpse the traits that lead this mystic to consider life – in the way it’s lived and experienced in human love and in the relationship to the other – as a possibility to ascend into divine love. In this sense, it makes an approach to Saint Francis’ christian mysticism and cosmic fraternity. Rumi’s poetics brings in itself, specifically, the question of otherness as a doorway to love God. It’s in the relation/meeting with a You that the I can become complete and mirrow itself, and, consequently, it can meet with the Beloved. The annihilation of the small I (fanâ) forwards us to the christic Kénosis, considering the annihilation of the I (the individual ego) as promising the greatest and most beautiful I (Ana). It’s the real subject, not as a solipsistic monadic I, but as an I in communion, in relation webs with his likes, with the world and with God, in a cosmic union, through the unicity in the feeling of love – in this way, physic
absnce doesn’t nullify spiritual presence; everything is connected.
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