O Tao da Mediunidade: um diálogo entre o zen e o espiritismo
espiritismo, zen budismo, diálogo inter-religiosoAbstract
This research is an exercise in dialogue between East and West. The main purpous was to demonstrate in wich means two spiritual ways apparantly opposites are very close with each other when one deeps in the religious expirience. Here, prophet religions meet the mistical matrixes of East, in great resemblance of spiritual way. The practice of renouncing reflexion and active will, and submerging in the wisdom of the non-action, have analogy in the mediunic practice in trusting itself in the hand of the Superior Spirits. Respecting differences, a set of concepts can meet: heart fast, the search for spontaneity, living in harmony with Tao (or the Cosmic Music, in the Hinduism), the perception that the superior ego is already inside us, are some elements that already belong to the Christian experience, specialy those who search for submerge in God and to be Its instruments.
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