Jerônimo Osório: Antes e Depois do Antimaquiavel
Jeronymo Osorio, Machiavelli, Renascence and IberiaAbstract
Researching into the Iberian response to Machiavelli’s ideas reveals that the Portuguese bishop Jeronymo Osorio was the first to criticize, in writing, the ideas of the former. Machiavelli’s ideas made sixteenth century Europe quake, generating endless acrimonious debate and so causing a deafening roar whose echoes can still be heard today. Even before the moment when the Florentine’s books were in the Catholic Index of forbidden books, Osorio’s pen were already working against him. My intention with this work is to present Jeronymo Osorio’s life and analyze his strong alert against Machiavelli’s ideas in the sixteenth century.
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