Pseudo Dionísio e São João da Cruz: um paralelo entre a “Treva Divina” e a “Noite Escura”
Mystical Experience, Anguish, Pseudo-Dionysus, St. John of the Cross, Divine DarknessAbstract
The goal of this study is to make a comparison between two mystical texts between which there is a lapse of twelve centuries. One of them comes to us from Pseudo-Dionysus, the Areopagite, and another from St. John of the Cross. The theme of the anguish and darkness found in the process of mystical experience will be examined and analyzed under different aspects, for instance through the rational and exhortative text of Dionysus (5th Century A.D.) in his chapter "That in which Divine Darkness Consists"; and in St. John of the Cross, who "In a Dark Night" writes his passionate and feverish poems (17th Century A.D.).
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