Ler Emmanuel Lévinas é pensar o para-além
Phenomenology, metaphysics, ethics, Good, BeingAbstract
This article aims to reflect upon the experience of reading Emmanuel Lévinas (1906-1995) as an invitation to think the beyond. To think beyond the self is to think beyond essence. This means to think ethically, that is, beyond the self. To think beyond the self is to experience Plato’s conception of the Good in the hic et nunc of any face-to-face encounter. Firstly, the article presents the philosopher’s writing style, affirming it consists of ambiguities, repetitions, and a non-linear dialectical one. Secondly, it introduces the reader to his main philosophical categories such as the face, otherness, Desire, and transcendence. Thirdly, it focuses upon Lévinas’s proximity with and departure from the phenomenological tradition of Husserl and Heidegger. Lévinas establishes a dialogue with this tradition, yet he modifies intentionality and representation. This is due to the fact that, for Lévinas, there are certain “objects”, namely, the neighbor, the Infinite, desire, and pre-philosophical experiences such as language and the passivity of a subject that are not to be represented or conceived in the realm of a dialectical synthesizing totality. While Lévinas describes phenomenologically what life should be like, Heidegger describes phenomenologically what life is like. To think the beyond, as Lévinas suggests, is to keep moving closer to the stranger. The closer one moves to the stranger, the more distance one gets from the interests of the self. On the other hand, one thereby moves closer to the true self and to-God as well.
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