Call for papers 2023.2 - Dossier Psychology of Religion



Hermann Ebbinghaus' (1850-1909) famous phrase that "psychology has a long past but a short history" can also be applied to the Psychology of Religion without much fear of being mistaken. However, as we know, if we were to trace the discourses on human issues that psychology deals with throughout history, the history of psychology would be confused with the history of civilisation itself. In this way, we have to recognise that the historical, social and cultural conditions of the 19th century allowed psychology to be officially founded as a science and, in this way, receive the status of the newest of the human sciences. As far as the Psychology of Religion is concerned, it is also known that human beings began to develop certain methods to bring psychological comfort a long time ago, many of them associated with religion. Freud and Jung, for example, observed the role played by the rite of confession and the extent to which it freed the individual from neuroses of guilt. Thus, it can be said that the Psychology of Religion developed in parallel with the development of modern psychology. The founder of psychology Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) himself carried out studies in this area. But it is to Willian James and his work The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) that the founding of this field of study is generally attributed.

This Dossier: Psychology of Religion invites researchers to make their contribution to this area of knowledge, taking into account the historical aspects that have enabled the development of Psychology of Religion, as well as the contemporary challenges facing this area.

Articles from all areas will be submitted for double-blind evaluation, provided they are in line with the proposed theme and the journal's rules. There is also room for academic texts that explore other themes, for articles with free themes, as well as reviews. Articles submitted to this dossier must be sent via this platform by 10 October 2023.

Keywords: Psychology of Religion. History. Contemporary Challenges.



Edilza Rodrigues Campelo da Silva (Faculdade Anhanguera-Sumaré-SP)

Carlos Campelo da Silva (UNIMEP)