Golden proportion in upper anterior teeth


  • Thaiana Damasceno Cunha
  • Ivone de Oliveira Salgado
  • Leonardo César Costa
  • Tuélita Marques Galdino
  • Cecília Salgado


Seção Dentes. Dentes Anteriores. Estética. Dentística Operatória. Estética Dentária.


This study is a literature review about golden proportion in upper anterior teeth between the period of 1998 to 2012,
searched in Periodicos Capes and from the library collection of the Faculty of Dentistry UFJF. It was concluded
that the golden proportion can be found in the upper anterior teeth, from a front view, between the central incisor
width and the lateral incisor width and between the lateral incisor width and the canine width. However, this
proportion does not occur naturally in most people. In esthetic restorative treatments of upper anterior teeth the
divine proportion can be used as a guide, effectively returning the harmony of the smile, however not warranting
the beauty of the smile as this is a very subjective concept.


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