External apical root resorption


  • Pedro Augusto de Almeida Alves-Costa
  • Ivone de Oliveira Salgado
  • Celso Neiva Campos
  • Tuélita Marques Galdino


Reabsorção da Raiz. Reabsorção de Dente. Radiologia. Diagnóstico. Radiografia Dentária Digital.


External apical root resorption is a common pathology found in permanent teeth. This article presents a literature
review from 1988 to 2012, searched in Portal CAPES, about the diagnostic methods and etiologic factors related with
this pathology. The following conclusions were: the cone beam computed tomography is the most effective method to
detect external apical root resorptions, although periapical radiographs are more indicated, of preference digital; genetic
factors showed association with the degree of the resorption, while age and gender do not; etiologic factors should be
observed to determine an adequate treatment; all orthodontic treatment lead to external apical root resorption, which
stops with the end of the mechanotherapy, radicular form and the presence of previous resorptions in radiographies have
an association with a higher degree of resorption and should be observed using radiographic exams.


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