Cyanotype: an artistic way to talk about (photo) chemistry


  • Bárbara Almeida UFJF
  • Alexandre Cuin Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora



The present manuscript is dedicated to show how intuitive, easy and low cost can be a laboratorial experience of photochemistry. In this case, we present a practical undergraduate class, in about 2 hours, that allows undergraduate students to have contact with weighing techniques, synthesis, dissolutions, chemical reactions, and preparation of solutions. Besides the common laboratory routines, some concepts like stoichiometric calculations, concentration units, photochemistry reactions, complex reactions, and coordination chemistry also are discussed. In addition, we propose the adaptation of the experience using common laboratory materials, as an alternative proposal for obtaining the photosensitive mixture and carrying out the cyanotype process. Undergraduate students will have the opportunity to prepare a photosensitive paper and obtain a photographic image, due to the formation of the Prussian blue pigment, making the class more playful, stimulating creativity and making the learning environment unique.


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Biografia do Autor

Alexandre Cuin, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Departamento de Química


