Authoritarian thought in the Portuguese Estado Novo: some interpretations Francisco Carlos Palomanes Martinho PDF (Português (Brasil))
Francisco Campos: an ideologue for Brazilian "Estado Novo"[New State] Marco Antônio Cabral dos Santos PDF (Português (Brasil))
Vianna's introductions for the Brasiliana collection: a strategy to build and legitimate authorship Giselle Martins Venancio PDF (Português (Brasil))
"Estado Novo" and the workers: the construction of Latin-American corporatism Alexandre Fortes PDF (Português (Brasil))
"Estado Novo", industrialization and the formation of the Brazilian worker: the FNM case José Ricardo Ramalho PDF (Português (Brasil))
Industrial business class and the beginnings of modern social policies in Brazil Ignácio Godinho Delgado PDF (Português (Brasil))
Projecting a modern country. Culture and cinema in the 1930’s in Brazil Sônia Cristina Lino PDF (Português (Brasil))
Brazilian Domingos/Sundays in Brazil: football, race and nationality in the history of a Brazilian hero in the “Estado Novo” [New State] Adalberto Paranhos PDF (Português (Brasil))
Brazilian Domingos: football, race and nationality in the history of a Brazilian hero in the "Estado Novo" [New State] Leonardo Affonso de Miranda Pereira PDF (Português (Brasil))
Sport, Youth and Work in Estado Novo: The Case of Minas Tênis Clube Lucília de Almeida Neves Delgado, Luciana Silva Schuffner PDF (Português (Brasil))
The Menace is Red and Comes from Abroad: Brazil and URSS Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta PDF (Português (Brasil))