Vol. 15 Núm. 1 (2009): Dossiê Mundos do Trabalho e Identidades

To face the stress of weather – São Paulo’s Corpo Policial Permanente policemen-workers in the end of the Empire

André Rosemberg

Publicado 2020-08-27

Palabras clave

  • Police. São Paulo. Labor

Cómo citar

André Rosemberg. 2020. «To Face the Stress of Weather – São Paulo’s Corpo Policial Permanente Policemen-Workers in the End of the Empire». Locus: Revista De Historia 15 (1). https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2009.v15.31792.


It is the scope of this article to analyze São Paulo’s Corpo Policial Permanente as a valid option of occupation for an important portion of the state poor population, whose attributes were male gender, Brazilian origin and non-white ethnicity. This period is characterized by a crisis of slavery production-based system, the beginning of the mass immigration and the transfer of coffee plantations to the West.


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